Unhindered Access to God’s Presence

This morning I read several Psalms, and as I read them I was struck with the beauty, the power, and the safety that He offers us from our distress.

The verse that I highlighted was Psalm 27:4, which says, “One thing have I asked of the Lord, that I will seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple.”

So much around us vies for our attention.  Much of it is greatly distressing.  The Corona Virus has the attention of all of us today.  There are a whole host of worrisome questions you could be thinking regarding our current situation.

Today, on Sunday, I am reminded how the Corona Virus has changed how we connect in community with one another.  Because of this our church is worshiping together online.  Like me, you miss the physical gathering of our church to bring worship to our God.  As I read Psalm 27:4 and meditated upon the idea of dwelling in the house of the Lord forever my desire to dwell in the church building of my church with my church family grew. In this moment, the Spirit of God reminded me that as much as I desire to worship with you in the house of the Lord at 4777 Alben Barkley Drive, I ought to desire more to worship with you in the house of the Lord in Heaven.  While the Lord turns our attention to Him to gaze upon His beauty in the gathering of the local church on earth, how much more will we gaze upon His beauty in Heaven! Though it may be remotely, through technology, we still have the ability to worship our Lord together on this Lords day.  What we do not have the capability to do at the moment is worship the Lord together in His presence in Heaven.

So, gather with your church online today.  But, may we also find our selves today longing for the greater gathering of the church in the eternal presence of God in Heaven.

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